Discovering that there were hardcore bands in South America that were good was something of a revelation for me, more so that they were amazing. Point Of No Return laid the foundations (as some of you will know, their last album was posted up on here), but the continent's and in particular Brazil's potential as one of the new hardcore stronghold's began to manifest when
xConfrontox and Children Of
Gaia dropped on the scene. In fact, the former are veterans releasing their first demo (which I am looking for) way back at the end of the late 90s and have gone onto release a
MCD, this split (and a European edition with Fall Of A Season) and then their monumental full length '
Causa Mortis,' in 2005. Children of
Gaia ascended to one of my favorite bands in 04 when they dropped their debut full length 'I Prey To Watch You Bleed.' They toured Europe that year and played the
Ieper fest which I had planned to go in order to see them but alas, financial constraints (too much hapless spending on records) and a month long sojourn in Italy meant that I had to earn before going anywhere. I've been waiting for their return ever since and I think that wait will continue until they record that cursed second full length which has been some 2 and a half years in the making, fingers crossed.
Anyway, Children Of
Gaia sounded more like the Italian new school on this release, their full length was grittier and incorporated more of a mosh approach
ala Terror and
Throwdown mixed with their earlier style, that being what is found here which was total new school fury. Taking the best parts of Italian legends like Reprisal and Sentence and then adding the scathing vocals of Mario made this a vicious, confrontational and of course, invigorating sound that was obsessively addictive.
http://www.sendspace.com/file/ivqdok - Children Of Gaia - Gaia
http://www.sendspace.com/file/hg35oi - Confronto - Alicerce
Both bands are still active, and as stated above, Children of Gaia are working on their follow up to 'I Prey to Watch You Bleed.' Meanwhile Confronto toured Europe this summer (and should have come here but didn't :( ). This record has now gone out of print since Liberation dropped the x's and decided to be a vehicle for releases for Trustkill, Century Media and Ferrett in South America, so hit http://www.ebay.com/, however, there is a copy here - http://www.pyrrhus.be/scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=187075 but as I have said in the past with this webstore, they can be a little slow.
Meanwhile the Confronto full length and Euro edition of this split (with Fall Of A Season, whose songs were awesome) are avaliable here -
Please be aware that the rest of the tunes will be going up, the reason they haven't is due to my internet connection being a fucker and crashing before the main bulk of the files have uploaded.
Hey Ben
Good to see you delivering again!
Ghildren Of Gaia is really awesome, but i'm not that into Confronto at all, maybe it's because i can't understand a word. Any clue where i could find Children Of Gaia's I Pray To Watch You Bleed -full lenght, been looking for that ages! Good to see you back on track again bro!
we have that one, and a ton of other
obscure South American XvseX releases :
Thanks, Ed. I'll check it out!
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