With each record the band took big strides and made their most daring creations on this, their last release (now 6 years and counting boys, hurry up with that cursed split with Arkangel) from 2001. Becoming even more intense and producing fiercer, tougher and downright heavier metallic hardcore (not to mention the step up in fierceness of Stephen's vocals check name), they weaved in some interesting ideas that could have been disastrous. The first example is the monstrous title track, built around a hypnotic riff that throbs and pulses before exploding into a crushing crescendo midway through. Second is the inclusion of French rapper Profecy on 'Ruining The Show,' this could have been horrendous but the fusion is absolutely perfect as it renders the break even more potent.
Check it,
Kickback are still around, and sporadically surface to play shows, last year in fact, they were out playing live quite a bit hitting the Superbowl of hardcore in NY (lucky buggers) and then the Filled With Hate Fest in Germany (why oh why didn't I say nuts to my dissertation and go to that :( )
Contrary to the fact that it appears that this cd is out of print (although for some people, it is), there are copies of it (and the other Kickback albums) here - http://www.amazon.fr/150-passions-meurtri%C3%A8res-Kickback/dp/B00004XRUK/ref=sr_1_9/171-9537107-1265034?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1181067141&sr=1-9
My advice is to learn French and buy that shit immediately.
This records is THE record. Every single part of it - the music, the layout, the lyrics, the backing vocals (Moules/Baldur!!) - points to the fact that it is the best european hardcore record ever. I mean, if I ever kill someone, I'll do it with this record playing in my mp3 player.
It's me again. I got too excited and forgot to bring something up.
I read that during the Superbowl fest you mentioned they had opened their set (or one of their songs) with Stephen quoting Carnivore's "Race war": 'This is the United States of America and you've got the right to hate who you want'. Talking about breaking the ice! Fucking classic!
Mike, I couldn't agree more, this is so, SO damn good, every track, every minute, just pure carnage, why the hell I didn't go and see them, damn I will regret that forever.
Man, Stephen has one badass attitude, he seems like one aggressive mofo ;)
Damn straight xMarkusx, absolute classic, fuck, I HAD to listen to 'Forever War,' this morning on my way to work, damn, I just wanted to stomp everyone's head in.
I haven't listened to this record in a long time because I like the other two better, but this one is definitely fuckin' insane. If these are in fact going to release some new shit they definitely need to get to it, I agree!
Kickback rules. End of story.
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